So it's been a while, I know. I've been remiss.
Not much happens academically over the summer... mostly because this magical thing called "eating" needs to be subsidized by "working."
So I've managed to churn out a large chunk of the Edward II chapter, though it's much bigger than either of its brothers. I'm currently working on turning the Maid's chapter into an article, and I have an outstanding proposal to Kalamazoo. My own article is in "Final Production" with Routledge, and comes out in Shakespeare 3.2 in November. In April I'll be heading to Chicago for the RSA national conference to be on a special panel with a paper on Henry VI. Oh, yes, and our play for next year will be Middleton's A Mad World My Masters and will go up the first week in March.
When I put it that way, I've been a busy girl.